12/27/2017  Suzanne Rector

Resume Tips and Tricks

Resume Basics: 
1) Keep it short and sweet. (Hiring Manager's do NOT want to read a book!) 
2) Do NOT copy and paste each job description. (Take the time to adjust each entry, even if you were doing the same job)
3) Make sure that your correct contact information is at the top (Name, Phone Number, E-mail)
4) Add some personality!! (Use an interesting font or format. Try to set your resume apart from other individuals)
Are you a traveler? 

Sometimes a travel resumes get lost in translation. 

Here are some tips to help your resume look its best: 
1) Don't list every travel assignment as a separate job!! Instead, list the travel company as the main job and all the places you worked on assignment below the main job. 

Emergency Room Nurse, Travel                Travel Corp.            09/2009-Current

Houston Methodist         12/2015-Current
Barnes-Jewish                 09/2015-12/2015
Fort Duncan Regional     03/2015-09/2015

This type of format allows potential employers to see that you didn't jump from job to job, but worked different travel assignments. 

2) Always ensure you include what type of position you were working, i.e. Emergency Room RN, Cardiovascular OR RN, etc. 

This allows potential employers to see how long you have been in your current specialty and the other areas in which you are proficient. 

3) Don't list the reasons for leaving each job on your resume. 

This is something that recruiters and Human Resources should be asking about- You do not need to help them do their job. 

Be Specific!

Be specific on your resume!!
  • Ensure that your objective is at the top and is relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Make sure that all of your experience is relevant to the job that you are applying for- If only certain aspects are valid, then take out the aspects that are irrelevant. 
  • You should have a section detailing your education. 
  • You should have good job stability, include jobs that aren't relevant to the position in which you are applying, but show job stability. 
  • Double and TRIPLE check your grammar!!!

A Few Resume Myths...

1) Including references. 
You do not need to include references on your resume, nor do you need to clarify that, "References available on request". Any interested employer will ask you for references. 

2) Have only one good resume.
Essentially, a resume is a sales pitch. It only makes sense that you would have a different pitch based on the job to which you are applying. It is a great idea to expand on different areas based on the individual job.

3) Use resume paper. 
These days, resumes are mostly electronic. Even if you have to deliver it in person, it does not have to be on fancy paper. Employers are more interested in what you have to offer and don't think twice about the type of paper in their hands. 

4) Use the landline for an interview. 
Cell phones are pretty reliable. You can easily use your cell phone for an interview and sound as good as the landline. Most people do come across better if they are standing or pacing- Movement gives you more energy. 

5) Write your objective. 
The problem with the objective is that it is everything you want, whereas employers are looking at what you can offer them and the business.

6) Use formal language. 
If you wouldn't use the language in real life, then don't put it in your resume. A resume should be in your natural, speaking language. Do not use slang, make sure to spell check, and make sure punctuation is correct but do not go outside your comfort zone with your resume language. 
We can help!! We provide resume services to help develop and maximize your resume. 

Resume Services

Basic Package Includes: 
-Revision of entire resume
-Help creating an objective that catches a prospect employer's eye
-Creation of cover letter
Cost: $50.00

Premium Package Includes: 
-All aspects of the Basic Package
-Design Aesthetic
-Key word placement throughout resume, focused on your specific industry. 
-Creating a resume from scratch, if necessary. 
Cost: $100+

Initial consultation is free. We discuss what and how you want to change your resume. 
All prices negotiable and subject to change.
5 Things on Your Resume that Age You
1) Having an AOL email address
2) Having a home phone number listed on your resume. How many people under the age of 45 have a home phone?
3) Limit the skills you list to current and relevant skills. There is no need to list every program that you are capable of using on the computer since computers are a fact of life these days. 
4) Putting two spaces after a period. This is how you wrote on a typewrite, NOT a computer. Doing this indicates that you are over the age of 50. 
5) Putting your address on top of your resume. Here's a few reasons why you shouldn't do this: Economic profiling, length of commute, and your own personal safety. 

Age discrimination is a fact of life in the job market today. You do not want to be filtered out by initial screening.
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 To learn more about Vital Health Link and the services we provide, email us at info@vitalhealthlink.net  
We will respond to your inquiry immediately.
