About Puget Sound Veteran Business – Supporting Washington's Veteran Entrepreneurs

Welcome. My goal is to have a place to feature Veteran business owners or Veterans in business who want to introduce their products or services to others.

Most people do not understand the digital media world and how adding yourself to a site like this can benefit them. Feel free to contact me and I can show you how this can propel you to greater success. This is not just another website. I have infused cutting edge technologies that no one else is using use the form below for a quick demo.

This site was created by retired US Army Master Sergeant, Dave Maestas. Dave served for 20 years with the 2nd Ranger Battalion, LRSD, 10th Mountain Division and Special Forces. 4 combat tours - 2 each Iraq and Afghanistan

Since retiring in 2014, he launched businesses and found advertising was expensive, he found there was no way to measure success and he set out to build platforms that produces results. PSVB is one of those platforms. Dave now has over 24 million views to his sites in 2023 and over 150,000 people in his exclusive Facebook groups in the Puget Sound. His marketing agency has helped over 1000 small businesses in various capacities. If your business is struggling, use the form below for a quick demo and then we will get you scheduled for a call. "I will provide you invaluable advice in one hour that can change your life and that's free!" - Dave

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