Featured Listing $99.00PugetSoundVeteranBusiness.com - (PSVB)
Featured listing includes up to 10 photos, link to your web site, 1 video clip, coupons and featured placement. Rotating home page placement.
This isn't just a website. We have cutting edge technologies behind our site.
We have 150,000 people in our exclusive Facebook groups that we promote PSVB.
No one promotes Veterans in business on the West Coast liked we do.
Partnered with AmericanVeteranBusiness.com - your membership is FREE on AVB as a member of PSVB. Get national attention.
You must be a Veteran, military (spouse) owned business to join with this listing.
When people search for your business, they will see you as a member of PSVB. We are SEO optimized which will give you another avenue to be seen and help to build or maintain credibility. There is no one else who will provide a platform to help you to be successful like this.
Where are you advertising where that many people are looking for a veteran owned business? If you are a home services (contractor, landscaping, junk removal, etc…) or brick and mortar business especially, you are missing out on a ton of business by not joining us.
There is a price to join us. There is a more significant cost not to join us and that is from all of the lost sales, business and opportunity long into the future.
GUARANTEE? You bet. Life is took short and we would rather we all remain life long friends than squabble over money. If you are unsatisfied after 30 days, you get your money back 100%. You get a featured listing on our site, promoted on our social media and emails, a ton of free software and if you aren’t happy, we will refund you completely. No questions. You risk nothing by joining us!
Use the form above to get started.
Next steps:
1. Click on the add listing above.
Membership on this site does not give you access to post in our Facebook groups. This requires membership on DiscoverJBLM.com.