Veteran Attorney and Lawyer Services

Featured Listings
Caesar Kalinowski IV
Seattle, WA
Whether defending our country or a client, you can count on me to fight aggressively for your interests.
Campbell & Bissell PLLC | Veteran Owned | Spokane
Spokane, WA
Veteran Attorney | Construction Law, Commercial Litigation, Contracts, Employment Law
John T Law
Bellevue, WA
Veteran attorney | Bellevue, WA
Martin & Richards, PLLC
Vancouver, WA
We offer a broad range of estate and trust administration services
Service Member Law
Spokane, WA
Litigating veteran employment discrimination cases around the country.

MANGAN LAW | Veteran Lawyer | Silverdale, WA
Silverdale, WA
Mangan Law exclusively represents Uniformed Military Personnel, DOD Civilians, and civilian Law Enforcement Officers.
Seattle Truck Law
Seattle, WA
Morgan Adams’ military experience prepared him for the “battle” of truck wreck litigation

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